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Top 5 First Date Mistakes That Can Ruin a Perfect Match

A matchmaking agency can help you find the right partner but it’s up to you to keep the serious relationship going. The first date is one of the most important steps toward creating a great future together. The first impression is always the strongest so the way you behave on the first date can make or break the union. Here are the top 5 first date mistakes you should try to avoid.

1. Trying To Act Like Someone Else
On the first date, people often try to show themselves in a better light than they really are. While this approach can help you make a tremendous first impression, what will you do afterward? Eventually, you’ll be forced to act like yourself and show the partner that you’ve been lying. At this point, most of the relationships end without starting.

2. Talking Too Much About Yourself
Being a good listener is vital to starting a serious relationship. While you should share something about yourself, try not to keep rambling about your mom’s bad habits, your best friend from kindergarten or your political views. You’ll get a chance to share all these things in the future. On the first date, you should allow your partner to talk too. Be a good listener and you’ll score high points.

3. Acting too Shy
You may be nervous about the date but acting too shy can make you appear cold and asocial. Making eye contact is vital during the first date. If you are too afraid of physical contact, allow your eyes to do the job. Eye contact brings people closer together and allows them to build attraction. The lack of eye contact may send the wrong message to your date.

4. Paying Too Much Attention to Your Phone
Yes, a smartphone is an integral part of your life, but you should turn the sound off on the first date. Playing with the phone is akin watching TV in a restaurant. It’s downright rude. If you can’t help but look at the phone every five minutes, leave it at home. Otherwise, you might end up dating your messaging service.

5. Talking About The Exes
Even if you think you have all the chances of getting into a serious relationship with this person, don’t start talking about your exes on the first date. The worst thing you can do is to start badmouthing them. Hateful and bitter comments about past relationships automatically distance the person from you. You can briefly mention the exes if the partner asks you but avoid going into details.